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Bangladesh Is a .....

A BROKEN DREAM- chapter -one

Status of Rule of Law, Human Rights and Democracy
Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha
Chief Justice (Rtd.), Supreme Court of Bangladesh
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Copyright: Lalitmohan-Dhanabati Memorial

Table of Contents
Early Life
Struggle for Survival
Elevation to the Bench
Ailment, Treatment, and Elevation to Appellate Division
Fazlul Karim’s Appointment as Chief Justice
Judicial Service Commission
Charitable Work
Role in the Formation of ICT
Appointment as Chief Justice of Bangladesh
Backlog of Cases
Judicial Reforms
Responsibilities of Chief Justice
Participation in Seminars and Conferences
Reflection of Judicial Mind on Different Issues
(A) Crimes against Humanity
(A-1) Killing of Natun Chandra Singha
(B) Constitutional Convention
(C) Bangabandhu Murder Case
(D) Conduct of Public Prosecutor
(E) Doctrine of Judicial Review
(F) Legitimate Expectation
(G) Common Intention, Common Object, Culpable Homicide and Dying Declaration
(H) Bar Council
(I) Impact of Commercialization
(J) Tenancy Law
(K) Medical Education
(L) Enemy Property
(M) Alluvion and Diluvion
(N) Environment, Ecology, and Conservation
(O) Legislative Incompetency
(P) Revenue Matters
(Q) Loan Recovery Legislation
(R) Presumption of Muslim Marriages
(S) Customary Law
(T) Absorption of Employees in the Revenue Set up
(U) Police Excesses
(V) Impact of Emergency
(W) Role of Defence Forces
(X) Abandoned Property
(Y) Contempt of Court
(Z) Miscellaneous Matters
Legal Profession
Interference in the Administration of Justice
Depletion of Values
Jail Visits
Inspection of Juvenile Correction Center
Religion and Fundamentalism
Supremacy of Law
Separation of Power and Independence of Judiciary
Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment Case and its Aftermath
Ethical Values of Judges of the Highest Court and the politicians.
Character Assassination
Of the organs of the State, judiciary is an essential and integral part and its
independence Bangladesh, which emerged through a war of independence
against Pakistani occupation army in 1971, included democracy as one of the
basic State principles in the constitution of 1972, and the constitution ensured
the separation of judiciary from the executive, and the independence of
judiciary. Part V1 of the constitution deals with the judiciary, which suggests
an independence of judiciary from the executive interference. However,
bureaucratic procedures and absence of political will of the succeeding
governments have made the independence elusive. Besides, succeeding
governments, both military dictators and civilian governments have been
averse to the idea of judicial independence and have been engaged in the
process of subverting any efforts to curtail the executive’s undue influence.
Equally important is the significant changes judiciary in Bangladesh have
undergone in the past four decades, through inclusion of highly skilled
professionals, introduction of technology, commitment of equal treatment of
citizens, challenging the culture of impunity by trying the killers of the father
of the nation and war criminals, and acting vigorously as a protector of civil
liberties, to name but a few.
I had the opportunity and honor to observe this transformation and the
hindrances as a participant of our judiciary since 1974-rising from
practitioner at a lower level of the judiciary in the north-eastern district of
Sylhet to the highest judicial position of the country, the Chief Justice of
Bangladesh. But in 2017, after the historic verdict upholding the
independence of judiciary, I was forced to leave the country and resign and
exiled by the present government. It was unprecedented in the history of the
judiciary. The unanimous verdict the highest court of the country with
observations about the state of governance and tendencies of political
leadership, was applauded by the citizens, lawyers, members of the civil
society and drew significant attention of domestic and international media.
However, it irked the power that be.
The series of unfortunate and unprecedented events, which led to the
tension between the executive and the judiciary and subsequent improper and
empathetic action against a sitting Chief Justice began on September 22,2014
when the Parliament amended the constitution to provide power of
impeaching the judges of the higher judiciary to the members of the
parliament. The constitutional sixteenth amendment deleted the provision of
removing the judges from office through a highly powerful committee of
peers called the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC). The SJC, as stipulated in
the constitution, also allowed the offender judge to have self- defense. Most
importantly, the process was meant to protect the judiciary from being
subjected to political vagaries and serving political leaders than the citizens’
May 5, 2016, a special Bench of the high Court division by majority declared
the amendment unconstitutional. Soon after the verdict the MPs blasted the
judges for nullifying the amendment and began displaying sheer disrespect to
the judiciary. However, the State opted for an appeal which was heard by a
seven-member Bench. It was incumbent on me to preside the Bench. On July
03, 2017, the Bench unanimously dismissed the appeal upholding the High
Court Division’s verdict. The complete text of the unanimous verdict,
observations made public on August 01, 2017.
Following the decision on September 13, the parliament passed a
resolution calling for legal steps to nullify the verdict. The Prime minister and
other members of her party and ministers blasted me for going against the
Parliament. Cabinet members including Prime Minister begun smearing me
alleging misconduct and corruption. While I remained confined at my official
residence and, lawyers, and judges were prevented to visit me, media were
told that I am unwell and have sought medical leave. Various ministers said I
will go abroad on medical leave. On October 14, as I was compelled to leave
the country, I tried to clear the air in a public statement that I am neither
unwell nor am I leaving the country for good. I was hoping that my physical
absence combined with court’s regular vacation will allow the situation to
calm down and good sense will prevail, the government will understand the
essence of the verdict-upholding the independence of judiciary-is beneficial
to the nation and the State. Finally, in the face of intimidation and threats to
my family by the country’s military intelligence agency called the Directorate
General of Forces Intelligence, I submitted resignation from abroad.
This book highlights my early struggle for survival and judicial life,
experiences, challenges before the judiciary in Bangladesh, its struggle for
independence: erosion of values in judicial service & of politicians: political
interference and the state of nascent democracy: reflection of judicial mind
on different issues: censuring public prosecutors’ conduct in prosecuting
cases: police excesses: impact of Emergency and the role of DGFI in
extorting money from businessmen. Also, the role of the Bar Council which
is crucial as it has failed to stand behind the court in defending its
independence due to partisan divisions: interference in the administration of
This book provides intimate accounts of the developments which led
to a tension between judiciary and executive in Bangladesh and my forced
resignation, however, they are told as my life-long journey in quest of justice
instead of trying to provide an Assessment of the state of governance or the
future pathway of the nation. Those are to be decided by the people of the
country, who have never shied away from sacrifices for liberty, justice and
equality. This is an incomplete autobiography as to how be me able to
become the first minority, both by ethnically and by religion, Chief Justice in
a Muslim majority country. This is also an account of the adverse situations I
have endured to ensure judiciary’s independence. My journey through the
tempest is also the journey of the nation through the whirlwind. As such, the
book has relevance to those who tries to understand contemporary
Bangladesh, its trials and tribulations. Anyone interested in the relationship
between the executive and the judiciary in developing countries, challenges
of judiciary in fledgling democracies will find the book relevant.
This book will have more than served its purpose if it inspires the reader, he
be a lawyer or a politician or a teacher of law college or university, or a
layman, with belief that the vocation of a lawyer is an honorable vocation
requiring the highest standards of latitude, integrity and uprightness: so also,
to a judge or a politician. There are some errors and omissions in the citations
and these are due to shortage of sufficient books that were collected by me,
but I am unable to bring with me. Some of the references are made from
memory and I hope to correct them in the next edition.
Chapter 1
Early Life
I was born in a village Tilakpur, in Moulvibazar district, in present northeast
Bangladesh. It is indeed a beautiful village on the bank of the Dhalai River
which originates in India as a rivulet being only one foot deep in the summer.
But in the rainy season it devastated village after village leaving innumerable
people homeless. There my father late Lalit Mohan Sinha had his education
in Normal High School and College in Shilchar, Cachar district, India, and
attained his Normal degree in Bengali literature which is equivalent to
Bachelor of Arts. He started his profession as a school teacher at Batuli
Ragana High School in Barlekha, Moulvibazar. My mother late Dhanabati
Sinha was then studying in Karimganj of Cachar district staying in her elder
sister’s house.
My aunt (mashi) late Kokila Sinha was staying with her husband, who
was a sub-registrar. As my aunt was very young, she was feeling very lonely,
and to give company to her elder sister, my grandparents sent my mother to
stay with her. The two sisters were born consecutively and therefore were
very close. When my father was teaching in Raghana High School, he
married my mother, who was very young then. On my father’s side, he had
one younger brother, late Bhubaneswar Sinha, who was more than six feet
tall and had a healthy and slender body physique. He was not attentive to his
education and wasted time playing with his friends, taking the advantage of
my grandfather late Dhansaw Sinha, who studied in ‘Tole’ (Sanskrit school)
and became a Pandit with a vast knowledge on recitation of Upanishads,
Vedas and wrote scriptures on religious philosophy. My father preserved and
recited them. Naturally, my grandfather had no interest in worldly affairs.
Towards the south-western corner of our house we had a big mango tree and
under the tree he set up a Mandir, calling it Brindaban, the Hindus’ holiest
place in Uttar Pradesh, India. In his Ashram, he taught ‘Rakhal Dancing’
(boys’ dance) and performed Rakhal Nrittya every month with the villagers.
Besides, he taught religious ceremonies, the Sree Geeta and Mahabharat
every day to the villagers and entertained them with ‘prasada’ – fruits
dedicated to the Deity.
Consequently, my uncle, taking advantage of my father’s absence and
my grandfather’s lack of interest in worldly affairs, was not guided properly
toward education. He remained busy with football and hockey. It was after
my father’s return in late 1947 that my mother taught my uncle at home and
then got him admitted in the high school and, ultimately, he became a
primary school teacher. My father had acquired a reputation as a teacher in
Bengali literature, mathematics and he was particularly efficient in arithmetic
We had farm land and cultivated various crops with permanent
workers. We had two buffalos for ploughing besides innumerable cows for
milk. My mother used to cook for the large joint family.
It was a practice in the family that before going to school the men took care
of the cows.
My father joined Kaliprasad High School, Munshibazar, which is located
about seven kilometers north from our house. The road was so muddy
throughout the rainy season it was not possible to attend school every day
although he had a bicycle. So, he rented a house and stayed there with my
elder brother who had been admitted to high school. Ultimately, my father
joined Kamalganj High School at the thana headquarter in which I studied.
My father inherited his father’s behavior and was a cool-minded religious
person. My mother, on the other hand, was a bit harsh toward all her children
and she used to control the day to day affairs of her children. They were five
sons and one daughter. One died from cholera while he was studying in Class
I am the second while my elder brother was getting a degree as an
engineer and then he took higher studies in Marine Engineering in London
and served in the Mercantile Marine Department, Chittagong. My third
brother is a banker and my fourth brother is a dentist, and currently they are
US citizens. My only sister Satyabhama studied in Women’s College, Sylhet.
All us brothers and sister are properly educated as my parents were attentive
to our education. My father’s days used to begin much earlier at dawn when
he used to give tuition to some students at home. His capacity to feed his
students’ intellectual hunger by sheer brilliance and untiring zeal was
My mother would share the bulk of household work along with raising her
five children, and later, after my uncle married for the second time, his wife,
Maney my kakima, also helped my mother in doing the household chores.
My mother was renowned for being a tough lady and I believe it was her
instinct and hard work that made sure that all her children received proper
education and upbringing. I was kind of very unyielding in my childhood. I
used to play in the afternoon and return home in the evening and developed a
habit of eating a lot. I had another interest which I could not restrain and that
was swimming in our small village river with my friends when flood
inundated the area. I always had friends who were senior to me.
When I was old enough, along with my elder brother Narendra Kumar
Sinha, I began to help the workers in the family farm while also studying to
lessen the burden on our parents. Aside from using the buffalos for ploughing
we also utilized them for crushing sugarcane in the autumn, which we
cultivated on the bank of the river. A huge chunk of land of about 25 bighas
was used for cultivation of sugarcane which was diluviated by the Dhalai
I took my graduation in commerce from the Madan Mohan College in
1970 and was admitted to Chittagong University in the economics
department. Since I had good grades in economics from college my professor
advised me to take admission in economics at the university. The political
atmosphere at the time was very volatile. My father was not inclined to let me
study in Chittagong due to political disquiet and wanted me to join as a
teacher in his school as a commerce teacher. As my father was reluctant to
continue paying my educational cost at Chittagong due to security concerns I
was confused whether to continue my education in Chittagong or leave. After
three months I returned to Sylhet and got admitted to Sylhet Law College
without my father’s consent.
When my father came to know that I had been admitted to the law
collage, he got furious and instructed me to return home. In fact, he had
arranged an appointment for me at his school. In his view lawyers are liars
and they earn money by lying. He could not imagine that an ideal teacher’s
son could be a lawyer and earn his livelihood by lying. Consequently,
relations between my father and me were strained regarding my education in
law. In clear language I had to tell him that I could not end my life as a
school teacher and informed him that even without his financial support I
would continue my law study. From then on, I met my expenses in Sylhet by
tutoring students.
Meanwhile my uncle Bhubaneswar Sinha had been suffering from kidney
disease from a young age. In the 1960s he had surgical operative treatment of
his kidney disease and had his kidney stones removed at Kumudini Hospital,
Tangail, a famous hospital during that time established by philanthropist
Ranada Prasad Saha. Again, in the latter part of 1970 he had obstructions in
discharging urine. Therefore, I brought him to Sylhet and had him admitted
to Sylhet Medical College Hospital in the second week of March 1971. He
would not eat the hospital food and I had to carry his food from Mashimpur
where I was staying. Prof. Shamsuddin Ahmed, a renowned teacher in the
surgery department removed his kidney stones about five or six days before
March 25, 1971. As usual I brought him his food on March 25 at dusk on a
bicycle. I noticed that his body temperature was very high and decided to stay
the night with him despite his objections claiming the situation in the country
was not normal.
There was tension in the city and it was also reflected in the hospital.
Just at dawn we heard sounds of processions toward Ambarkhana area
chanting “Joy Bangla, Joy Bangla.” Almost all the patients and others came
out of the hospital compound saying that the country had been liberated.
Within half- an- hour we heard sounds of indiscriminate firing. All the
patients and everyone else returned inside the hospital and after about one
hour the bullet injured persons were brought in one after another in rickshaws
and vans. Within one hour about 70/80 injured were brought to the hospital
and the emergency department was drenched in blood.
The hospital authority sent an ambulance for bringing Prof.
Shamsuddin for the sake of the patients. As the situation was worsening my
uncle told me to go back saying that my aunt might be very apprehensive
about me because I did not tell her that I would be staying the night and
because I had come without my dinner.
So, with some hesitation I approached Mashimpur through Dariapara.
But before I entered the main road toward Zindabazar I saw many people
were standing on the edge of the by lane and observing the situation. Some of
them prevented me from going to the main road, because there was curfew;
some others said there was no curfew. When we were talking we saw that a
police jeep with a speaker was coming from Lamabazar toward Zindabazar
announcing that curfew had been declared and hence no one should go out.
Moments later an army jeep came toward us firing a machine gun
indiscriminately. I jumped on my cycle and went back to the hospital. I
noticed that some persons who were standing with me earlier had sustained
bullet wounds.
Returning to the hospital I rushed into my uncle’s cabin and fell on
the floor. He had a temperature and his surgical stiches had not been
removed. Even then he got down from his bed and asked whether I was also
injured because there were blood stains on my clothes. He gave me a glass of
water. Within a few minutes I came to full consciousness and narrated the
entire harrowing incident. I told him other people beside me were hit by
bullets and I had managed to survive with the help of my bike.
Thereafter I noticed that Prof. Shamsuddin Ahmed operated on the
injured the whole day long without taking any rest. We did not enough
money and food supply in the hospital fell short and so we did not have any
food to eat. Hence, I went to meet the hospital super to ask for some bread
and other food. He replied that there was no supply of ration and even the
regular patients could not be served breakfast, lunch or dinner. The hospital
therefore authority decided that until conditions improved patients would be
supplied with ‘khichuri’ (cooked mix of rice and lentil).
We had little money with us and I told my uncle that I would go and
bring bread from a street vendor who was selling tea and bread near the
south-western side of the hospital near Dariapara. The old Sylhet Medical
College was in the west and the hospital in the east bifurcated by a road
which passes through Dariapara and connects to the main road which goes
from Lamabazar to Zindabazar. I found only a half-pound bread and brought
it. We were put in an uncertain position: for two persons we had only half
pound bread. We did not have any drinking water and started taking water
from the bathroom tap. We lived on that one piece of bread for two days!
While my uncle was pressing me to eat the bread and I was requesting him to
have the bread as he was unwell. In truth we were eating only bits of the
bread and taking them with a lot of water. When the curfew was lifted after
48 hours, to our awe, we noticed that half of the bread was still there. I told
my uncle that the situation is completely uncertain, and I should somehow go
home to bring some food and money.
After two days, the hospital returned to its hectic state and all the
doctors and nurses got busy with the treating the bullet injured patients. I met
Prof. Shamsuddin to see the condition of my uncle so that we could return
home because of the uncertainty. He gave us some medications to heal the
surgical wound, removed the bandage and advised me to take my uncle
home. If the situation in the country became normal he would check my
uncle again after fifteen days. So, I brought him to Mashimpur on a rickshaw
after eight days. Perhaps because of the mental pressure and the agony I
suffered during those few days I developed a temperature that turned out to
be typhoid.
There were rumors that all routes out of Sylhet were going to be
closed. Therefore, either we should leave the city as soon as possible or it
would be difficult for us to leave. Towards the last week of May my
temperature was falling slightly and we along with four other families
including my present wife’s family started for our village in the morning.
Arjun Babu, my wife’s grandfather, was a very popular man who was the
accountant general of Sylhet Zila Parishad. He had close relationships with
the contractors of the Zila Parishad. One of the contractors arranged a truck
for us which was on the opposite bank of the Surma River. We came out of
the city and managed to cross the Surma by boat. I had to walk with the help
of two persons because till then I had not taken any food by mouth. We
reached Tajpur Daakbanglow at dusk. We were received by local people and
they supplied us with rice and lentil for cooking `khichuri’. After two weeks I
swallowed a bowl of khichuri and felt better.
On the following morning we started walking and sometimes took
help of rickshaw vans, when available, to take the children and sick persons
and thus we came to Sherpur ferryghat. After crossing the Sherpur River we
got a truck. The driver agreed to take us up to Srimangal. We reached
Srimangal at around 3:00 PM and from there we started walking through the
Srimangal-Bhanugah forest, more than 12 kilometers. It was an unimaginably
arduous journey. There is a road between Srimangal and Bhanugach, but it
was completely muddy. We did not feel that we were hungry or sick; the only
thing clawed in our mind was how to reach our destination without being
confronted by the Pakistani Army. We traveled in a zigzag fashion and after
crossing the Padmachera Tea Estate, we reached our maternal uncle’s (Sonai
Mama) house at the western-most portion of Madhabpur village Chingong.
Sonai Mama loved me very much and seeing my health condition he
persuaded us to stay the night. We took some puffed rice (muri) and water
and started toward our village, which was about three kilometers away
towards northeastern corner intervened by the Dhalai River. We were
determined to reach our home the same day because we thought that if we
pass the night at my uncle’s place it might so happen that we would not be
able to walk if our physical distress worsened. Ultimately, we reached our
home at around 9:00 PM.
After seven days at home I fully recovered. The road in front of our
house passes from Moulvibazar town to Kumrarchara Tea Estate, the last
point at the border with Tripura, India. The distance of this road is about 35
kilometers. The road was in a miserable state. Somewhere the depth of the
wet mud was more than one foot and in spots it was dry. In the meantime, the
Pakistani Army set up their camp at Shamsher Nagar Airport and took
control of the Thana administration by forming a Peace Committee and
started recruiting razakars through their Peace Committee. The Army directed
the villagers to make the road motor able with the help of the Peace
Committee. Some radicals from Impala of Manipur, India came to support
the Pakistan Army headed by one Sudhir of Meitai Manipuri and took refuge
in Homerjan village. He started recruiting razakars from the Meitai of
Manipuris. There was constant pressure on the villagers to repair the road,
but there was no dry soil to fill up the potholes in the road because it was the
rainy season.
I heard from one of my friends, Anil, that the army was looking for
some young persons in the locality to give them the responsibility of the
construction work instead of compelling them to join the razakar force.
Whenever we heard that the army came to our locality, we used to take
shelter in the paddy fields toward west where a vast area up to the Dhalai
River had no habitation. Sometimes it continued from morning till dusk and
in the process, leeches sucked our blood, but we could not move. It was an
atrocious situation.
Finally, the Army managed to build the road by laying tree branches
and filling earth over the branches. When the road was motorable the
movement of the army was regular. Because the border toward the south is
about 20 km away from my house. Possibly the Army thought of using the
road as the defense against the infiltration of freedom fighters as the
alternative road from Bhanugach to Patrokhola Tea Estate, which was a
motorable road. At this time, I along with Gour Mohan decided to join the
Mukti Bahini in India and took shelter in the Madhabpur village for crossing
the border. We stayed there for three nights, but could not cross the border
because the Army, in the meantime, had formed peace committees and
Razakar groups up to the remote areas and the border was totally sealed. All
along the border areas most of the population is from the Meitai sect of
Hindus and Muslim Meitai sects. Their language is more common than that
of the Bishnupriya sect of Manipuri to which I belong. These Meitai Hindus
and Muslims are supporters of Pakistan. Consequently, it was difficult for us
to cross the border. Some informers told us that the borders were completely
closed as a precaution against infiltration of freedom fighters from India. So,
after three days, I returned home, but Gour Mohan stayed in his sister’s home
at Madhabpur. Later, I came to know that he managed to cross the border
after fifteen days.
I used to pass almost all my days in the western paddy field and return
home after dusk. Toward September we were contacted by the freedom
fighters who crossed the border through deep forest in the east to gather
information about the army camp and their movements. We started giving
them information, food and when required shelter. In the last week of
November, the first batch of Muktibahini entered our locality and we
provided them shelter. I along with Anil collected rice, lentils, potato and
cooked khichuri for them on the southern bank of Rajbari pond. On the
second such event we were told by the Muktibahini to cook food for 20
persons. It was around 2:30–3:00 PM. Abdul Mannan, a clerk of CO (Dev)
office, who was a member of Meitai sect of Muslim and possibly the only
SSC passed member of their community brought the Pakistan military from
the western side by crossing the Dholai river and the Army, after crossing the
river, opened brush firing with machine guns and attacked our village. We all
fled toward the eastern side. Some of us took shelter in Mangalpur and I took
shelter at Chitlia, three kilometers to the east, in the house of Falguni Sinha,
who was around my age, of the Meitai sect. Though from the Meitai but
being my father’s student, he gave me shelter for two days. Since I had no
winter clothes with me he gave me a Manipuri wrapper. I returned home after
two days. My parents were apprehending that I was killed by the military as I
was missing for two days and scolded me. I told them that as I had links with
the Muktibahini and worked for them as an informer, I took shelter at Chitlia.
I feared that the military might target me at night and therefore as a
precaution I did not return.
In the first week of December, the Muktibahini captured our village
and the surrounding villages, then they captured the entire Thana. By
December 12 our entire locality was under the control of the Muktibahini.
After Gour Mohan and Mujibbahini forces came to our village, we went to
kill Abdul Mannan. On suspecting our move, Abdul Mannan took shelter in a
Muslim Meitai village in Tetaigaon. Then we learnt that one of my friends,
who was a leader of the Muktibahini--I do not want to mention his name to
avoid embarrassing him--gave Abdul Mannan shelter at his home. I charged
him for his conduct and he told me that as he is a clerk of CO (Dev) office
and he used to take lot of help from him. He also had attended Abdul
Mannan’s wedding reception. At that point, I developed a dislike for some of
the freedom fighters. Jalalabadi, a college friend of mine, who was a leader of
the Muktibahini took control of the Thana headquarter. After the liberation of
the country all my friends took certificates of being freedom fighters. But I

did not even make any attempt to collect one because of that reason.

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